Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Thomas, T. K., & Jose, D. (2021). Adapting to Political Activism in the Destination: General Strike (Hartal) and Tourism in Kerala. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal69(3), 367-380 [SCOPUS].

PP, A., Thomas, T. K., & Babu, S. R. (2022). Locate, Where, What, and How It is Published: A Bibliometric Analysis of Tourism Research During COVID-19. Tourism Review International26(4), 337-351[ABDC]

Thomas, T. K., & Jose, D. (2021). Adapting to Political Activism in the Destination: General Strike (Hartal) and Tourism in Kerala. Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal69(3), 367-380 [SCOPUS].

Ahn, J., & Thomas, T. K. (2020). The role of customers’ perceived values of integrated resort brands in destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management15, 100403. [SSCI]

Thomas, T. K., & Mura, P. (2019). The ‘normality of unsafety’-foreign solo female travellers in India. Tourism Recreation Research44(1), 33-40. [ESCI]

Thomas, T. K. (2011). Benchmarking Tourist Destination. International Journal of Culture and Tourism Research4(1), 129-142.

Mothiravally, V., Ang, S., Baloch, G. M., Kulampallil, T. T., & Geetha, S. (2014). Attitude and perception of visually impaired travelers: A case of Klang Valley, Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences144, 366-377.[SCOPUS]

Thomas, T. K., Mura, P., & Romy, A. (2019). Tourism and the ‘dry law’in Kerala–exploring the nexus between tourism and alcohol. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change17(5), 563-576 [SSCI]

Nair, V., Mohamed, B., Thomas, T. K., & Teare, R. (2016). How can the tourism industry respond to the global challenges arising from climate change and environmental degradation? Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes8(5), 611-616.[SCOPUS]

Le, A. T., Kunasekaran, P., Rasoolimanesh, S. M., AriRagavan, N., & Thomas, T. K. (2022). Investigating the determinants and process of destination management system (DMS) implementation. Journal of Organizational Change Management35(2), 308-329.[SCOPUS]

Chee, S. Y., & Thomas, T. K. (2022). Exploring the normality of the complexities of later life in aged homes: a review. Millennial Asia13(1), 173-189 [SCOPUS]

Thomas, T. K. (2007). Issues in Effective Teaching Learning in Tourism Education. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies2(1), 101-105 [UGC-CARE]

Thomas, T. K. (2015). Measuring Community Impact Assessment for Internal Destination Performance Evaluation in an Exploring Tourist Destination. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies10(1), 53-71 [UGC-CARE]

Thomas, T. K. (2009). Rural tourism in the vulnerable economy: The community perception. In CAUTHE 2009: See Change: Tourism & Hospitality in a Dynamic World (pp. 158-171). Fremantle, WA: Curtin University of Technology [SCOPUS]

Thomas, T. K. (2011). Benchmarking Tourist Destination. International Journal of Culture and Tourism Research4(1), 129-142.

Sebastian, R., Kottekkadan, N. N., Harish, P., Thomas, T. K., & Lye, V. W. E. (2023). The “new great depression” an Omen for tourism?. Int. J. Tourism Policy13(4), 381[ABDC].


Book Chapter

Thomas, T. K. (2022). Indian Tourism and the World. In Indian Tourism: Diaspora Perspectives (pp. 21-32). Emerald Publishing Limited

Thomas, T. K. (2020). Exploring the new horizons of community-based tourism in emerging economies. In The Routledge Handbook of Community Based Tourism Management (pp. 497-511). Routledge.

Thomas, T. K. (2019). Internal Benchmarking Model for Destination Performance Evaluation. In Sustainable Tourism Development (pp. 167-188). Apple Academic Press.

Thomas, T. K. (2013). Conceptualizing Destination Performance Evaluation for Internal Destination Benchmarking: A Review. Atna Journal of Tourism Studies8(1), 57-75.


Publication by Scholars


1. Tourism Products of India – A National Perspective by Dr. Robinet Jacob, Mahadevan P, Dr.Sindhu Joseph

This book has been structured around various key tourism resources of India. This book explores the issues pertaining to customs and traditions of India, painting, dance forms, music, fairs and festivals, handicrafts and souvenirs. Aimed at providing an overview of the tourism resource potential of India, the book exhaustively deals with all the new trends in tourism and accommodation. Travel regulations for visiting India are one of the core areas focussed in the book.

2. Health Tourism and Ayurveda by Dr.Robinet Jacob

This book provides a fresh perspective on the emerging trends in health tourism based on Ayurveda. The variety of topics covered includes health management on an Indian and International perspective, basic principles of Ayurveda, impact of ayurvedic tourism on economy, society, environment etc.The book also focusses on various resources and facilities of Ayurvedic tourism. It exclusively deals with panchakarma and its allied procedures. Effort has been put to give a clear picture on Kerala’s strengths in promoting Ayurvedic tourism.

3. New Facets of Tourism Management Edited by Dr.Robinet Jacob

The book provides a fresh perspective on the existing and emerging areas of travel and tourism industry by focussing on contemporary problems and prospects. The variety of topics covered include prospects of E-tourism, Assessment of Tourism Practices, Government and community partnerships in Tourism, Sustainable tourism, rural development thorugh tourism.

4. Indian Tourism Products by Dr.Robinet Jacob, Dr.Sindhu Joseph, Anoop Philip

This book provides a new perspective on tourism resources of India. Effort has been put to give a clear picture of innovative tourism development strategies like eco-tourism resources and sustainable tourism. A detailed discussion on the new concepts in tourism and accommodation sector is another feature.

5. Le Fancais Pour Tous by Cyril Mathew

Les Francais Pour Tous est une me’thode comple’te de francais pour adolescents et adultes de’butants. Le livre s’adresse a’ tous les aspirants de la langue français,en particulier les apprenants indiens.

Le livre donne de l’ importance e’galement a communicative  français et la grammaire.

Le livre assure apprentissage avec un certain nombre d’exemples de conversation,des exercices de traduction et des exercice de grammaire.ll donne egalement des sections suffisantes pour lire et d’apprendre des elements culturels.